Ultrasonic Peening
Contact us for a quoteUltrasonic Peening applied to welds has been shown to improve fatigue performance of metal structures subject to cyclic loading.
Through the application of technologies such as Ultrasound Peening (UP) we can provide clients with fatigue life improvement services. Technoweld is unique in that they provide unparalleled pre-treatment advice to ensure the starting point is optimum.
By increasing the fatigue performance before treatment and then applying ultrasonic peening (which is recognised as providing a twofold improvement) the overall result in fatigue performance can be as high as eight times.

For metal to fail due to fatigue, it must be subject to tensile stress and generally have a notch like defect present. Welding of components creates this tensile residual stress and a notch in the way of micro undercut.
Ultrasonic peening modifies the weld profile. It does so by removing the notch and modifies the stress profile to induce a compressive stress. These two physical changes have been proven to increase the fatigue performance of components subject to cyclic stress.
Technoweld has significant experience in working with high cycle, large stress range equipment and has a proven track record in improving fatigue performance of plant and equipment.